Rebuilding Buyer Confidence; Webinar: Hosted in partnership with the Corporate Housing Providers Association (CHPA), join Synergy’s Claire Barrie for an end-to-end conversation on Buyer Confidence. Register Here.
The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the corporate travel and mobility industries has been immense. Yet of recent, there is cause for optimism—albeit cautiously and realistically—as the rollout of global vaccination programs bring forth hope for a return to corporate travel.
Yet that hope is somewhat tempered. As at the heart of any conversation about a return to corporate travel is buyer confidence.
But what does buyer confidence really mean? Is it as simple as it sounds… vaccinate, and walla, confidence restored? Or is there a greater, global shift afoot?

At Synergy, we view buyer (and therefore traveler) confidence from the interlocking essential pillars of standards, accreditation, performance, and trust. Once all the pillars have aligned, then and only then can a buyer even begin to consider having confidence in a hospitality experience.
So, what will it take to achieve buyer confidence within the business travel ecosystem?
Is it the ability for providers to provide supply assurance and proof of compliance? Or, is it a connected and integrated vendor ecosystem? Innovative, flexible technology and product solutions? Localized and mobile guest services… data analytics and reporting, budget management, traveler health, and safety?
Hint—the answer is all the above.
With that in mind, it begs the question… instead of asking how we rebuild buyer confidence, might it be better to look inward to better understand what we, as service providers, can do to instill buyer confidence? In collaboration with the buyer.
To achieve this goal, in partnership with CHPA, Synergy’s Vice President EMEA Claire Barrie, will harness the expertise of three leading industry experts (Joan McCarthy Mack, Carol Neil, and Ray Kirby) to investigate how we can safely, and confidently, align the efforts of supply with the needs of buyers—and get our traveling workforce back in motion.
This webinar combines the expertise of both the buyer and supplier to explore questions/topics such as:
—Why buyer confidence matters?
—The quality assurance metrics that aid buyer confidence
—What buyers expect from service providers
—What service providers can do to better understand buyer requirements
—The challenges at play in a global supply ecosystem
—How industry-wide standards, coupled with trackability, accountability, and training, can guide the business travel space forward
To register, click here.
We hope to see you there.