Innovation is the future! As a leading industry provider, Synergy Corporate Housing has yet again raised the bar with our new exclusive property on the moon. Founders Jack Jensky and Henry Luebbert experienced the earth’s orbit in a 5 day mission to make peace with intergalactic space men at the new space station and Synergy Exclusive property, Starbright Comet. Featuring mind boggling amenities such as an earthly spa inspired shower that cleanses the guest with floating bubbles. Also available for Synergy guests is a James Bond-style space camp situated only 1 light year away on a tropical island – a program which offers the equivalent to earth’s “State-of-the-Art Fitness Center”. Of course many questions have surfaced regarding the safety of our guests. However, rest assured that we’ve completed our due diligence to make sure each guest is safe and has an out of this world experience. The S.S. Synergy space shuttle will remain stationed at the property at all times in case of an emergency and upon arrival, guests will be given a complimentary 8 week space training to adapt to the moon’s atmosphere.
In preparation for this new venture, Synergy has began designing new space packages such as the Comet Suite and the Galaxy Package, which will feature futuristic furnishings, automated technology, and a personal robot to cater to your every need. Our eco-conscious product developments will continue at this new property with Starbright Comet’s space-age waste management system. All waste is recycled and re-used at the on-site recycling plant located in close proximity on Crater Lake. The hope of Starbright Comet’s property manager, Zeop Uwoe, is that once guests have seen the view of Mother Earth from the moon, they will be awed by its majesty and realize the importance of protecting our planet and bring some of the practices they learn on the moon back to Earth.
Space suits available upon request. For more information on this new property, please contact the Man on the Moon or visit our website: